Container Orchestration Costs: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

September 23, 2022

Container Orchestration Costs: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

As the popularity of containers continues to grow, so too does the need for effective container orchestration solutions. While there are several options available, two of the most popular ones are Kubernetes and Docker Swarm. When it comes to container orchestration costs, however, which one comes out on top? In this blog post, we'll compare the costs of Kubernetes and Docker Swarm to find out.

Kubernetes Costs

Kubernetes is a popular open-source container orchestration solution that is widely used in production environments. While Kubernetes itself is free, there are other costs associated with using it in a production environment.

For starters, you'll need to provision infrastructure to run your Kubernetes clusters. Depending on your requirements, this can add up quickly. You'll also need to consider the cost of hiring or training staff to work with Kubernetes, as well as the cost of ongoing maintenance and support.

Docker Swarm Costs

Docker Swarm is another popular container orchestration solution that is often used as an alternative to Kubernetes. Like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm is free to use, but there are other costs associated with using it in production environments.

One advantage of Docker Swarm is that it's easier to set up and manage than Kubernetes, so you may not need to hire as many staff or invest as much in ongoing support. However, you will still need to provision infrastructure to run your Docker Swarm clusters, which can be costly depending on your requirements.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to comparing the costs of Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, it's important to note that the costs can vary widely depending on your specific needs and requirements. That being said, we can still make some generalizations based on average costs.

According to some industry estimates, the average cost of running a Kubernetes cluster can range from $100,000 to $250,000 per year. By comparison, the average cost of running a Docker Swarm cluster is estimated to be between $50,000 and $150,000 per year.

Keep in mind, however, that these are just estimates and your actual costs may vary. Other factors that can impact costs include the size and complexity of your clusters, the specific infrastructure you choose to use, and the level of expertise required to manage and maintain the clusters.


In conclusion, both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm have their pros and cons when it comes to container orchestration costs. While Kubernetes may be more expensive to run, it's also more powerful and feature-rich than Docker Swarm, making it a better choice for larger organizations with complex needs. On the other hand, Docker Swarm may be a better fit for smaller organizations with simpler needs, as it's easier to set up and manage and comes with lower overall costs.


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